Yes! The records of movements of securities on Alex Legal are in accordance with Decree No. 2019-1118 of October 31, 2019. They are synchronized on a blockchain that meets all the criteria of the shared recording device (DEEP).
The software automatically retrieves the elements from the INPI servers. The other elements are added by the client with the possibility of requesting our experts (in particular for the reconstruction of the register of movements of securities).
Yes! You can open access to the page of one or more companies on Alex to your advisers (lawyer, accountant, auditor, etc.) or investors. And no additional costs are to be expected in this case.
You can independently and at any time (i) download all of a company's documents and data in a structured format (ii) delete these documents and data, and (iii) close the account.
Our experts are available by chat, email and phone from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.