Create your company in 15 minutes

Endless paperwork
Waiting time
One-step creation pack

Enter Alex information

A simple and intuitive online form that guides you step by step. From the choice of social form to fiscal options, everything is taken into account to start your business creation with confidence.

Generate documents

All the documents required for creation are automatically generated from templates written by lawyers (statutes, list of subscribers, certificate of availability, etc.).

Deposit your capital

Opening a bank account is done in a few clicks thanks to our integrations with partner banks. Data exchanges between Alex and the bank, via API, make it possible to quickly obtain the capital deposit certificate.

Sign electronically

Alex takes care of everything: sending the documents for electronic signature, without you having to worry about it.

Legal advertising

Alex takes care of the publication of your legal announcement in an authorized newspaper.

Registry formalities

Alex's team of formalists takes care of submitting your file to the Registry, ensuring that everything is in order.

Obtaining the Kbis

Your company is now registered!

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Alex guides for creating your business

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